I have been spending a lot of time researching the best therapies for our kids to keep their kids strong and moving. Claire has been making incredible strides at school, using her hands to hold crayons and trying to colour, picking up food to feed herself and communicating by pointing.
We want to continue this progress, and after reading about the Anat Baniel Method, I knew I had to find a practitioner in the area to see if it could be beneficial to Claire. The ABM method provides movement to reteach the brain. Its almost like small touches that reminds the body what it should be doing, in a repetitive way, that is so subtle, the child barely notices.
We went to three consecutive sessions and we could already see a difference. Claire was saying more words, she walked down the stairs with help, the first time in 6 months, and started walking up the stairs. She has been moving around so much more at home, and even wants to get up and participate in gym class at school.
We can only hope that this is will continue to improve upon her current skills to give her a better quality of life. Who knows if its from this new practice, finally reaching seven months of treatment, or her seizure meds finally leveling it out, but we will take it!
Seeing her excited about doing things with her body she wasn’t doing before brings us so much joy. If you want more information regarding this please check out Anat Banels book Kids Beyond Limits, its had great information for any parent.